A mobile medical clinic has arrived in northern Queensland, bringing life-saving specialist medical services to a number of remote and regional communities for the first time.,Heart of Australia’s new truck, HEART 4, is on its inaugural trip taking city-based medical specialists to towns stretching from Cooktown to the Mackay Region.,Heart of Australia Founder and Cardiologist, Dr Rolf Gomes, said the program has expanded through a $12 million boost from the Australian Government. Together with existing partners, the fourth mobile medical clinic is starting a new northern route.,“We are very excited about the new era, opening new frontiers for Heart of Australia and helping address the imbalance for people in the bush when it comes to access to high-quality healthcare,” Dr Gomes said.,“Heart of Australia will bring specialists in cardiology, sonography, and sleep diagnostics to residents in Cooktown, Ayr, Sarina, and Proserpine.”,Dr Karam Kostner, Head of Cardiology at Brisbane’s Mater Hospital, has worked with Dr Gomes and Heart of Australia since the first truck launched in 2014. He said: “It certainly saves many lives and it’s very important. Personally, I’ve seen many patients on my rotations who would not have been saved if it wasn’t for the truck.”,“We’ll do ECGs, blood pressure monitors, Holter monitors, sleep studies, CPAPs, a whole range of supporting services and supporting diagnostics,” Chris Wilson, Heart of Australia Medical Aide said.,HEART 4 is a 34-wheel custom-built, B-Double road train. It departed Brisbane last Sunday in preparation for the first-ever clinic in Cooktown today (Thursday, July 1, 2021). Heart of Australia now services 29 towns across Queensland and has two static clinics in Weipa and Palm Island.,“HEART 4 is a multi-million-dollar truck that needs to arrive at the right time, in the right place in order to save lives, and it’s my job to get it there,” Simon Crawford, Multiple Combination Driver said.,Heart of Australia has travelled more than 500,000 kilometres, seen more than 11,000 patients, and saved more than 400 lives. Dr Rolf Gomes mortgaged his home to build the first truck seven years ago.,“Our aim is to close the gap between healthcare services available to people in the city and those living in the bush. Every Australian deserves access to quality health care regardless of where they live,” he said.