With the growing age, different types of diseases attack the human body. One such disease is the heart problems. Well, nowadays heart problems have become a very common disease, which indeed a very bad sign for all of us. People of young ages are also seen to suffer with various heart problems. Well, reasons may be there, however precautions are highly required to fight these problems.,If you think that you will not be a victim of heart attacks(In French attaque cardiaque), then you are very much wrong. You never know if there is a heart attack waiting for you in the near future. Well, it can happen to any person. So, it is always a better decision to make a try to prevent the heart problems.,Among many other efforts, choosing some heart healthy recipes is a very good way to keep you away from the threat of heart failures(In French insuffisance cardiaque)and all. Here are some very simple recipes that will help you to prevent heat diseases,,Sweet Potato Soup with Lentils,The ingredients for this soup are leek, garlic cloves, shiitake mushroom, low sodium vegetable broth, water, red lentils, sweet potato, bay leaf, basil, pepper, fresh spinach. All these ingredients are very much heart healthy and the soup which is a combination of all these is also very healthy for your heart.,To make the soup, first you need to fry leek, garlic and mushrooms in a large pan for about 3-4 minutes. Then you need to add water, broth, bay leaf, lentil and sweet potato to it. After stirring it well for about 40 minutes you can now add basil and pepper according to taste and keep on stirring. Finally add the spinach and boil it until the spinach melts down. This is how your healthy sweet potato soup is ready to serve.,Mango Salad with Lime Bean,To prepare this salad, you need a mongo, a small red onion, cannellini beans, lime zest, squeezed lime, squeezed cilantro. Now, you should dice the mango and the onion. After that, you need to combine all of them. And, this is your healthy salad made in a moment, isn’t it simple?,There two recipes are very easy to prepare, yet very powerful to avoid heart failures.