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Children National Has Observed Zero Flu Cases Forever from the Pandemic

The pandemic originates with several negative effects-the opportunity to crush a multi-season Netflix series in 48 hrs, for instance. A different one: It had been a great deal simpler to prevent influenza this season, because of social distancing and mask-putting on. Flu season-which often runs between late fall and springtime-typically produces a yearly average as high as 45 million cases, as much as 810,000 hospitalizations, and as much as 61,000 deaths, based on the CDC.

But figures are cheaper this season, based on reports, and also at DC’s Children’s National Hospital, these were nonexistent throughout the pandemic. Actually-whatsoever of Children’s locations through the area, no patient has tested positive for that flu since March 2020.

This is particularly significant in comparison to the last couple of years: Children’s saw over 1,400 patients using the flu between fall 2019 and March 2020, contributing to 700 patients throughout the 2018-2019 and 2017-2018 flu seasons.

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Xiaoyan Song, the hospital’s Director of Infection Control and Epidemiology, attributes the drop to mask-putting on and social distancing. “The abrupt disappearance of flu along with other periodic respiratory system virus coincides using the timeline when governments around [the] Department of motor vehicles issued executive orders mandating individuals to only travel for essential business in the finish of last March,” she authored within an email to Washingtonian.

Additionally, it most likely doesn’t hurt that people were more mindful of remaining from others once they didn’t feel well, she authored, in addition to keeping distance from individuals who have been coughing or sneezing.

And, possibly by adopting these newly found practices, we could keep flu figures low even if we’re not inside a pandemic. Song’s last message: “Keep in the good behaviors.”