According to a study conducted by Tamara Hew-Butler, an Associate Professor of Exercise and Sports Since at the Wayne State University, she uncovered that drinking 8 cups of water on a daily basis can actually kill rather than save lives.,Excessive water intake can be strenuous for the kidney to deal with. Because total body water balance, or what we exercise scientists call homeostasis, is complicated, mammals survive by making real-time adjustments at the kidney. That’s why when it comes to hydration, our kidneys are king.,There is an undercover network of aquaporin-2 (AQP-2) water channels inside each kidney – we only need one (we are born with a spare just in case) – that react to the hormone arginine vasopressin. The primary anti-diuretic (water retention) hormone in the body. The posterior pituitary gland secretes it in response to nerve signals received from advanced brain sensors that detect subtle changes in water balance. Circumventricular organs are the name for these complex sensors.,The kidneys will make molecular adjustments to both underhydration and overhydration within 40 seconds in response to any upset in the water balance. These adjustments result from the mobilization armies of AQP-2 water channels, numbering about 12 million per collecting duct cell.,This is why when we drink more water than our body needs {8 cups of water} – above thirst – we immediately have to pee out any excess water. Or when we forget our water bottle during practice, we stop peeing to conserve body water. This quick coordinated action between the brain, cranial nerves and kidneys is far more efficient and precise than any phone app, gadget or personalized recommendation available.,Is there anything good to come out of this?,According to research, drinking about two liters of water a day prevents the development of kidney stones in people who have previously had kidney stones and reduces the amount of bladder infections in people who have previously had bladder infections.,Increased water intake does not appear to improve skin tone, kidney function, or constipation, according to science. Water alone does not help children lose weight because it replaces the consumption of higher-calorie drinks like soda or helps people feel “full” before meals.,Image,Some people’s mental health can be affected by drinking water. Some studies show that the water intake improves cognitive efficiency, while females with anxiety say that compulsive water consumption makes them feel better, possibly due to the activation of reward circuits that increase dopamine. Many schizophrenic patients claim that “voices” order them to drink and that drinking water silences these voices.,It’s worth noting that brain imaging studies show that excessive drinking is uncomfortable and takes more muscle activity than drinking when you’re thirsty. Since “social polydipsia” induces chronic peeing (polyuremia), our brain tends to prevent chronic overdrinking, or polydipsia.,Is it enough to drink eight glasses of water a day? Unless you’re thirsty, drinking more water is unlikely to improve your wellbeing, but it’s also unlikely to hurt you. If kidneys could chat, they’d say that hydration problems are nothing more than well-publicized peeing competitions.