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Evidence-Based Practices Explained

Evidence based practices are becoming more and more widely used in the field of addiction despite resistance by some traditional treatment specialists. In lay terms, the argument on one side is that some clinicians and psychiatrists believe that practices don’t always need to be proven – there are some things that are known instinctively, they argue. But on the other side the argument is that only practices that have been carefully and scientifically proven with sufficient documentation should be used in a health care setting. But despite the fact that evidence based practices are now mandated at drug rehab centers around the country, there still remains some resistance to the idea.,Evidence based practices are any treatment modality that have been studied in a clinical setting and produced measurable, confirmed and consistently positive results. Some would argue that the standards are being set too high in this regard, but with the success rate of most rehab centers at less than 10% on average, it’s apparent that they aren’t successful enough. However, considering the alternative and the fact that many addicts relapse several times before staying clean long term, evidence-based practices offer the greatest chance to participate in treatments that have verifiably worked for other people suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism.,Evidence based practices are being used more and more as a benchmark by which the United States government and major insurance providers judge the quality and efficacy of drug rehabilitation programs. In most cases licenses cannot be obtained for rehab centers that do not use evidence-based practices, and insurance companies also require that these safeguard practices are utilized. However, every program and therapy type used by a treatment center doesn’t have to be evidence-based. Instead, the core of the program must consist of EBP, while peripheral programs may be traditional or even spiritual and recreational in nature.,In order to be considered an evidence-based practice, treatment modalities must meet the following conditions:,*The practice must be readily available to most individuals.,*The treatment program must be highly individualized in nature and be developed according to each patient’s particular needs.,*The therapies employed must address underlying conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia,*The treatment must last long enough to provide ample time for the patient to build critical skills before returning to their regular communities.,*Treatment or therapies must be constantly evolving in conjunction with the evidence available.,Evidence based practices that are utilized in successful drug addiction or alcohol rehab programs include:,*Psychotherapy,*Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,*Reality Therapy,*Individual Therapy,*Biofeedback,*Group Therapy,*Family Therapy,These therapies are designed to provide the skills and resources needed to defeat the urge to use again. This is important because symptoms of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome may be experienced for up to two years after a person leaves treatment. In fact, some therapies may necessarily continue for the rest of an addict’s life. If you’re struggling with addiction and you’re ready to take your life back, please use one of the links below to get a free consultation right now: