An addiction to diet pills can be extremely dangerous and in some cases fatal. Unfortunately, many people believe that if a substance can be sold over the counter, then it wouldn’t be possible to become addicted to it. However, people regularly become addicted to diet pills and other drugs like furniture polish and other inhalants, cough medications, anti-insomnia medications, motion sickness pills, bath salts and other substances. The fact of the matter is that when taken consistently any type of drug can be addictive. In the case of weight loss pills, people become addicted rather quickly and can suffer some severe consequences. Understanding this condition is critical to recognizing when it is occurring and developing a plan to break the addiction.,One of the most troubling features about diet pills is that they are often used by a demographic that has tried and failed at many other weight loss programs. Many of these people may be extremely anxious to try something that would work so easily as taking a pill. However, most people are disappointed with the results. Instead of shedding pounds each week, many find that they lose very little weight or now eight at all. In these cases it can be too easy to take more of the drug than instructed, or to take the drug for longer than recommended in the hopes that increasing doses or prolonging consumption will result in increased weight loss. Usually this is not the case, and it’s not long before addiction sets in.,There are significant risks associated with addiction to diet pills. These substances are central nervous system stimulants, which mean they act on the body in the same way that street drugs like speed and methamphetamines do. And while these types of drugs can be dangerous for anyone, they are especially dangerous for obese people who may already be struggling with circulatory or cardiovascular issues or even diabetes. Serious side effects of addiction to diet pills include:,Increased Heart Rate,Heart Palpitations,High Blood Pressure,Insomnia,Closed-Angle Glaucoma,Addiction,Part of the problem with addiction to diet pills is that they are often sold using marketing tactics that are unscrupulous at best. Often wild weight loss claims are used to sell these pills, but in reality studies show that most people who take weight loss medications only lose around 5-7% of their body fat. For many obese people this is simply not enough and as a result they will continue to use diet pills long after it is safe to do so.,Treatment for a diet pill addiction is readily available. Options include professional detox services, a residential inpatient program, a less-intense outpatient program, and various types of behavioral and cognitive therapies. However, because of the emotional and physical issues presented by those with diet pill addictions, treatment programs should always be custom-tailored. According to LiveStrong.COM;,”When being treated for an addiction to diet pills, it can be helpful to utilize a multidisciplinary approach that might include a registered dietitian and complementary therapies in addition to a mental health professional.”,Getting help for this problem is as simple as a mouse click or a phone call.